We are Masters of construction of key facilities: roads, bridges, irrigation, dams, and more. With the appropriate designs, we have the right manpower and specialised machines for their systemic execution to the precise details. We are careful to undertake them to the satisfaction of our clients; big or small, and with due regards to the environment which the future depends.

We are specialists in the building of engineering infrastructures of liveable cities, districts. Our expertise includes comprehensive infrastructure upon which the residents and visiting population depend for day-to-day living. These include various types of road networks, bridges, storm water systems and social or leisure facilities.

Kakatar has array of superb fabrication & precision engineering machinery for all kinds of metal, plastic, and wood works. From water jets to metals/wood lathes, to 5-axis metal milling machines, bending & folding machines, shearing machines, ironwork etc; we have the whole metal works/plasma cutters industry covered.

Our Dredgers do not go to work alone. They have several array of specialised machines that support and enhance their capacities to do the works. These include Swamp Boogies, Swamp Dozers and Excavators, Barges, Fuel Tanks and many more. While they work with our dredgers, these machines and equipment can stand alone in their own right.

Our Brand-new, specialised Asphalt Plants are of the latest technology, from the World’s best brands. We produce, at Affordable Rates, for our clients high-grade hot asphalt, under strict QAQC Conditions, and accurately weighed. Buy now from our plants in Abuja, South-South, North-East Regions of the Country.

KAKATAR Group is executing several infrastructural development projects across Nigeria. Together with our JV partners, Gunsayil, we are implementing several projects of the Federal Government of Nigeria and The World Bank in the remote communities of Kainji, Dadin-Kowa, Alluwari, Saleri communities in the states of Niger, Gombe and Jigawa to improve the quality of Life of people living in the rural communities.