ZEETIN Engineering Limited is your one-stop-shop for all your designs and fabrications. In a strong partnership with Zeetin - our sister company - we design, fabricate all kinds of engineering and industrial materials to your specifications and demand.

Hydraulic Press Brake
The Hydraulic Press Brake is a machine used for forming, cutting and bending of metals into different shapes. It is used in forging, clinching, molding, punching and deep drawing of metals used in shipbuilding, aviation, transportation, automobile, military and agricultural industry. This machine gives us to create more intricate shapes as the machine is very accurate.
Plate Rolling/Bending Machine
This is a machine used in rolling different kinds of metal sheets into round or conical shape. It is also used in bending and forming of metal plates into cylindrical and arc chapes. The machine is used in fabricating metals used in shipbuilding, petroleum and mechanical industry.

Hydraulic Angle Rolling
The Hydraulic Angle Rolling Machine is efficient for the fabrication of both profiled and rectangular rings with high degree of precision which makes it easy for us to meet the needs of our clients. It is capable of forging any kind of rings, Flanges, Bearings, Gear, Wheels, Sleeve rings for use by Automobile, Aerospace, Oil and Gas Industry.

Hydraulic swing beam Shears Machine
This machine is used in the cutting of large sheets, plates and metals with thickness of about 3mm-6.35mm and a cutting length of about 4000mm. it is also used as a forging machine as it makes the cutting of hard irons easy and accurate through its application of shearing force with a reasonable blade gap thus breaking the sheets in the required size. The machine can be used to cut steels, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, cardboard and other materials used in aviation, light industry, metallurgy, shipbuilding automobiles, electrical appliances etc.

Water Jet Cutting Machine
This machine is capable of cutting variety of materials ranging from steel, carbon fiber, glass, titanium among others using an extremely high-pressure jet of water. The machine is used to cut material that do not require high temperature in other to maintain their inherent structure. The machine is also very accurate during cutting.